Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Turn Your Low-Tech Office into a High-Tech Web Conferencing Center

Congratulations! You’ve decided to join the ranks of professional communication wizards who use conference calls and web conferencing services. Whether you are using an expensive phone conferencing service or free web conferencing software, your company has just taken a giant step in simplifying its communication efforts.
But that’s not the only benefit of switching to a call conference system. Your workman’s comp claims will drop drastically when you quit paying for your employees’ bad knees. How did they get those bad knees, you ask?
The people of your sales force have been painfully contorting themselves into airplane seats every couple of months for the last six years to attend meetings with your biggest client in Piscatawney, PA. Now, they conference call instead. Your salespeople can flip a computer switch, throw on a headset, and start holding their business conferencing meetings via internet or phone!
But since your company is new to the world of conferencing, you’ll have to equip your employees with the right equipment to get the job done. There are a few different conference call components to make their jobs much simpler and more productive, but we’ve provided you with a list of the top four:
Desktop Computer
If your office doesn’t already have desktop computers, you might have bigger problems than you think. You can almost calculate your business’s net worth based on the quality of your computer technology and a PC is crucial to business conference calling. And no computer worth its weight in RAM is without our next conference call component:
The Internet
Whether you’re still stuck with dial-up or have graduated to DSL isn’t as important as having internet access to begin with. Each employee should have access to the internet, and not just to check their email or download the joke of the day. The incredible array of information available at their fingertips, and the ease and speed of communication are well worth the extra expense. Not to mention that the internet access is a critical element to the web conference. They don’t call them “web” conferences for nothing, after all.
The microphone, whether built into your PC or an external plug-in, is a necessity. If you can’t communicate vocally over your computer, you might as well just pick up the phone – or book an airline ticket. And don’t pinch pennies when picking your office microphones. A good model will eliminate static and provide for a clear conversation.
Web Cam
If your intention is to hold verbal conference calls, you won’t need a webcam. But having a web camera allows you to turn a computer-enabled meeting into a personalized one. Face-to-face interaction should never be underestimated in a meeting, as it allows you to put your facial expressions and professional demeanor to good use – the personal touch, so to speak. And clients who feel as if they are receiving the personal touch from their vendor are happy clients.
So direct your office manager to the nearest office supply store or conferencing technology provider. And remember: anything you spend on web conferencing supplies goes to a good cause – improving company communication and sparing your salespeople’s knees!

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