Friday, July 30, 2010

Access Security, the Weakest Security Link in Todays Web Conferencing


Web conferencing insures your company has the freedom of remote communication, but it poses security risks. It places your company’s confidential information in a vulnerable position giving hackers a chance to get into your system. Product knowledge and employee records and other vital information shared in web conferencing can be accessed by competitors through hacking.

While holding a web conference, your company’s data is saved on an internet server temporarily. This leaves the possibility open that other parties could get your data. The good news is that every system uses its own proprietary data format and protocol. These are hard for hackers to decode. Also, the data is transferred in screen pixels; document files are not used to transfer the data. The solution to this problem is to use SSL to encrypt the image data. That precaution neutralizes the hacker’s efforts to get into your system.

Actually, the access security is the most unsound point in the web conferencing security. To insure that only authorized people attend the web conference meeting, web conferencing systems use meeting ID’s and passwords as an access security measure. The caveat is that these ID’s and passwords are normally e-mailed to the potential attendees before the meeting. This gives hackers a chance to retrieve the access information and attend your meeting.

Protocols like SSL and AES only make a slight contribution to transmission security. The biggest security issue to hosted web conference services is access security. This issue isn’t completely resolved with SSL or AES. The on-premise solution is the best way to enable your firewall to protect your meetings. The RHUB web conferencing is the best on-premise solution to this security problem.

The RHUB web conferencing appliance can be deployed three ways. All three are better solutions to security. You can use the behind the firewall approach for internet meetings. The DMZ method can be used for both internal and external meetings. The outside firewall can be used for external meetings. All three methods give your web conference meetings better security.

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