Friday, July 30, 2010

Planning an Effective Web Meeting

While there is no doubt that an interactive web conference is an effective collaboration tool, success is never guaranteed. Like any other tool it must be used effectively for it to be considered worthwhile. The natural first step is to determine what web conference option best suits the needs of your company. These can range from web-based services to software that has to be installed, or appliances that require no installation.

Naturally, the reason behind the need for web conferencing service or solution is not static, as companies’ needs change over time. It is however important to understand that hosting a web conference cannot be taken for granted. Every presentation, no matter how small must be planned, and must present its information in an easy to understand form. Here are some tips for utilizing your web conference software and ensuring that all your meetings are successful:

Deciding if a Web Conference is the Best Format

While the various benefits of using an internet conferencing service are indisputable, there may be instances where face-to-face contact is best. This decision will be largely driven by personal preference, the meeting’s purpose and the information that will be presented. Certain clients may also be put off by the idea of a web conference.

Structure your Presentation Carefully

The tone and content of your web conference should reflect the values of the audience as much as possible. In other words, content created for company executives would not be the same as that designed for customers dealing with support issues. The purpose of the web conference is also an integral aspect. Are you looking to motivate your sales team, or woo new customers to your business? This will also impact the way you interact with your audience.

Don’t Forget to Plan

Once you decide to have a web conference, every phase should be properly worked out. This includes establishing rules for audience feedback, collecting video or audio files if any, and establishing the step-by-step flow of the meeting. All relevant information regarding the rules of the meeting should be outlined to participants beforehand. This will help to eliminate the hiccups usually associated with any type of business meting.

Any company new to this format may be surprised at what web conference software can offer. A look at some of the features of the recently released TurboMeeting 4.1 by RHUB Communications Inc. will show why this trend is now longer the wave of the future, but is now a reality. Aside from performance enhancements over the previous version, TurboMeeting also boasts other vital features. These include a

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