Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Many Uses of Web Conference Software

Web conference software is not complicated to use although it does perform a variety of complicated tasks. In fact, if you want to take the easiest route, you can use a web-based software that doesn’t even require that you install anything. Businesses with many employees will probably find it more convenient to install their own software, but they probably have an IT department to take care of the details. Once you have access to web conference software, what can you do with it?
Video Conferencing
Web conference software allows you to communicate by video. This communication can be two-way, or you can split your screen for multi-user videos. For example, your screen can show six different people on it at once who are all able to take part in the discussion. The software also allow you to switch control of the video and audio display among participants so that everyone has a chance to be seen and heard, no matter how many are in attendance.
Desktop Sharing
This feature of web conference software allows everyone in your conference to see what is on your desktop and you can switch desktops so everyone can see what is on another person’s. This is helpful if you are trying to explain something that is on the internet, as whatever your browser shows on your monitor will show up on everyone else’s monitor too. Any files that you open on your desktop or applications that you run can also be seen in real time by conference attendees, which makes this a great training tool.
Document Sharing
You can also transfer files among conference participants. Send text files, images, PDF files, and videos. You can distribute a summary of the conference or notes for participants to follow. Attendees can also distribute files among themselves.
This is one of the most useful features of web conferencing software. With this, you or any participant can immediately update a file while it is open on your desktop. Everyone in the conference sees the same file and has the ability to alter it and everyone sees the changes in real time. This is particularly useful when two people are working together on a project. It allows more than one computer to put the project together at the same time so it speeds up productivity.
The whiteboard is another common and useful feature of web conference software. It allows you to make notations on files as you give your presentation. It works in a similar way as a whiteboard on a wall or an overhead projector. The software also has the capability of taking screenshots and saving your notes as image files. This feature allows your presentations to be more dynamic and spontaneous.
As you can see, there are many productive things you can do with web conference software. It’s no wonder it has become so popular in recent years. If you haven’t used it yet, you probably will at some point. It isn’t only for businesses anymore; this software has many other applications such as use in online classes and virtual seminars.

1 comment:

  1. Web conferencing helps businesses in reduced costs, travel time, better client interaction etc. There are various web conferencing tools like webex, gomeetnow, gotomeeting, R-HUB web conferencing servers etc. used by organizations for conducting online meetings.
