Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How to Host a Web Conference

Nowadays, communication is essential in the professional environment all over the world. Taking into account the fast pace of our daily existence and the ongoing technology progress, there’s no wonder that web conferences keep on gaining grounds throughout the world. By means of web conferences, people are able to conduct live meetings or presentations over the internet and to convey the same message to different persons at the same time. Usually, in a web conference, there are a number of participants, each having their own computer and being connected to other participants by means of the internet. Some of the typical features of a web conference are: slide presentations designed by means of power point, live video, web tours, recording, surveys and application sharing. When you decide the features you need for your conference, keep in mind that the more features you need, the harder it will be to train, deliver and receive. Dynamic features such as desktop sharing, application sharing, etc. are the most expensive ones and at the same time the most difficult to use. The web conference is most of the times sold as a service which is controlled by the vendor, service that can be paid per minute or for a fixed fee. There are vendors that came up with there own conference software, thus allowing different organizations to install the software on their own. If you want to host a web conference, you should consider the following: types of providers, platform technology, presentation features and prices.When it comes to providers, you can choose between backbone providers, resellers and application providers. The first provider is the owner of the platform technology, has affordable prices but his services may be limited. The resellers on the other hand sells various different platforms, while application providers have higher prices but they offer support, special services and also access to multiple platforms. It is up to you to choose your provider according to the number of conferences you plan to host, their sizes. Don’t forget to decide whether or not you need custom services. If your web conference will also be audio, we suggest having operator assistance in order to make sure that there won’t be any technical problems. Regarding the prices of web conferences, they vary according to the service you choose. It is a good idea to opt for the per minute type of payment if you are not going to host web conferences frequently and if they aren’t going to last more than an hour. However, if you intend to host longer shows, we advise you to choose the fixed fee payment. Due to the constant improvement of web conferences’ features, there’s no surprise that people have also started to update the web conference server. Such a server will enable you to implement in an easy and efficient manner a variety of key features and functions. For those of you who aren’t familiar with this term, a web conference server is a combination of hardware and software which allows clients to participate in a conference. Usually, a conference server provides a control interface and information management facilities in order to provide multipoint data to all the attendants.A web conference server may also provide conference management features and it may facilitate cross media participation. In order to host a conference, you will also need to consider the space of the web conference server and the bandwidth. As you can see, hosting a web conference is not as easy as it seems and you should take into consideration all the above mentioned aspects if you want to host a successful conference without any unpleasant events.

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